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What we do: Helping people get back on their feet

“Helping people in need” sounds like a surprisingly altruistic motive for a commercial company. At Intrum, though, it’s an attitude that is fundamental for making the business work. Plus, it helps people get their lives back together.

Norwegian police officer Ronny was hit by hard times, but was helped back to a debt-free life by Intrum.

Ronny got his life back

Norwegian police officer Ronny lost track of his ways and fell deep into debt. 
“I had served in Norway’s military in Lebanon and Kosovo. When I returned home to Norway, I found everything boring. I craved for more. I ended up with a severe cocaine addiction that led to a rapid downward spiral. I lost my job and the right to be a police officer.” 
“You can’t deal with these kinds of financial problems alone. For some, already a small bag of unpaid bills is difficult to deal with. For me, it was more like two large garbage bags of bills. It was liberating to discover that Intrum had a website that was easy to navigate and provided me with a simple overview of everything involved in what I owed. My garbage bags with bills shrunk into just a few clicks on the internet.” 

“I didn’t care about paying the bills. Everything just revolved around party­ing. All I owned was in the end forcibly sold with great losses in value during the 2007–2008 financial crisis. I had also taken out many loans and credit cards. I ended up with a debt of almost six million Norwegian kronor (about 500,000 euros).” 

It was very nice to get a friendly reception in a difficult situation. No judgment, only help
Customer in debt in Sweden

“Intrum was easy to talk to, they were understanding and quick to respond. I got my remaining debt cut almost in half and was able to take out a new loan. It made things feel manage­ able again.” 
“My last call with Intrum was emo­tional. When my Intrum contact ex­plained that we had reached the end of my debt collection cases, I understood that I had actually made it. I cried. I’m also sober now. I got my life back.” 
Ronny took what he had learned and started his own business. “I use my story to show people what life offers if you’re willing to change, how change can contribute to quality of life and what is required to change. I have coined a term that I call ‘willing­ ness power’, how willing someone is to change. I have many flaws, but I have one superpower: I am extremely willing to change.”

Thank you for this chance to not file for personal bankruptcy, allowing me to pay off all my debt in installments
Customer in debt in Germany

Kenneth could smile again

Swedish truck driver Kenneth had to work evenings and weekends to make ends meet because of debt he had accumulated over the years. 

An earlier bankruptcy had put Kenneth deep in debt. Intrum helped him pay off what he owed so he could get back on the road.

“Many years ago, a company that I owned went bankrupt. It put me in financial difficulties, including debts with the bailiffs at the Swedish Enforcement Authority. I had to work extra to make ends meet and tried to get help from another debt collection company. They would not listen to me. They just ordered me around, telling me what to do.” 

When Kenneth got in touch with Intrum, he describes it as the difference between night and day. 
When I call my Intrum customer service agent Elma, it feels like we are two people trying to solve problems together. We’re on the same team. I told her what my problems were, and she actually listened to me. She didn’t treat me like just a number or a bad person. She treated me like a human being with a problem and she wanted to help me solve it. Without Elma I would not be standing here today!” 
Today, Kenneth can think about his life – and smile. 

“I don’t need to work on Saturdays and Sundays anymore. I can work five days a week, like a normal person and live a normal life. I’m completely debt free and I have my life back.I wake up without a headache or stomachache. I even own my own home and can look forward to my retirement.” 
“If you can admit that you have a problem with your personal finances, my wholehearted advice is to talk to Intrum and tell them about it. They will help you all the way.”