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We protect your data

We want you to feel confident when using our solutions and services. This page describes how we treat personal information and why we use cookies.

Intrum respects the privacy of all data subjects we are in contact with; regardless of if we process the personal data on our own or on other parties’ behalf. It is important for us that you understand what personal data we process about you, why we do it and what your rights are. Therefore, we urge you to read through our Privacy Policy, which will give you more information on the processing of your personal data by Intrum.

This Privacy Policy sets out how we process your personal data when we are the data controller and therefore responsible for the processing for instance conducting debt collection activities and purchasing debt. For some of our services, we merely act as a data processor and process your personal data on our client’s instructions e.g. when we provide invoice services (Sales Ledger Services). For information on how your personal data is processed in relation to these services, please contact your agreement party.  

We may process personal data about you in different ways and different situations, depending on if you are a representative of a client, customer, vendor or a job applicant. We may also process personal data about visitors to our website(s), depending on how you chose to interact with us. Regardless of situation, we promise to never sell, commercialize or use your personal data in violation of applicable data protection laws.

Intrum is an international company, with many different establishments in different countries. The Intrum entity processing your personal data will be responsible for the protection of your personal data (the data controller). You find information about our processing activities in local language on the webpages to the Intrum entity processing your personal data:

Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark
Finland France Germany Greece
Hungary   Italy Netherlands
Norway Poland Portugal Slovakia
Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom
Intrum Global Business Services Intrum Global Technologies    

Please be aware that you will find the information relevant for your processing on the webpage relevant for you as a customer, job applicant or a current or potential client, vendor or have any other interaction with us.

If you are a current or potential client, vendor or have any other interaction with the Intrum Group you may find further information regarding our data processing under Privacy policy below.

If you wish to raise a complaint about how we handle your personal data, including in relation to any of your data subjects rights, or have any further questions on how we process your personal data you can contact our Data Protection Officer and we will investigate your concerns.

Data protection officer:

If you are not satisfied with our response, or believe we are processing your data unfairly or unlawfully, you can complain to the Data Inspectorate. You can find further information about the Data Inspectorate and their complaints procedure here: Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection | IMY

Intrum has a responsibility to ensure appropriate and proportionate security of the personal data we process. We must report any personal data breach to the supervisory authority unless the personal data breach is “unlikely to result in a risk for the rights and freedoms of individuals”. Where a personal data breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals, we are also required to inform the data subject concerned, without undue delay.


Privacy policy

Why have we access to and process your data?

The processing of your company’s personal data is necessary for us to enter into and/or to fulfill the agreement we have with your company. We may also process personal data about visitors to our website(s) or physical locations, depending on how you choose to interact with us.

We will only process your personal data if we have legal grounds to do so. This means that the processing must be necessary for the performance of a contract to which you or the company you represent is party to, or is necessary to comply with your requests prior to entering into a contract with your company.

We have a legitimate interest to process your data in order to form and manage client and business relationships, for marketing purposes, client surveys, and to ensure the safety of Intrum employees and assets. In accordance with our legitimate interests, we may also use your data to provide you with information about our services, performance updates, events and training which is likely to be of interest to you or to execute necessary or desired tasks expected by the business relationship you represent.

We have a legal obligation to provide your personal data when we are audited by the authorities and to prevent, monitor and evidence fraud, anti-money laundering and other criminal activities in order to comply with statutory legislation.

Your data will be held securely in compliance with data protection law.

What personal data are you processing about me and why?

We hold only the necessary information for the management of the contractual or business relationship. To be able to communicate with you we need your name, job title and contact details such as address, land line telephone number, mobile number and email address.

To be able to comply with our legal obligations related to e.g. anti-money laundering we may in certain circumstances require a copy of your passport or similar identification and related information.

For our employees’ security and to keep your personal data safeguarded we also use closed-circuit television surveillance cameras in several locations within our place of business. Unless we have legal obligations to keep the records we will delete them after a short period of time.

Depending on the nature of the assignment and the relevant country, we may ask a screening expert to determine whether there are any circumstances which would disqualify you or the company you represent from that assignment.

Unless otherwise agreed with you or is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, we will not include special categories of personal information (often known as ‘sensitive personal data’ such as data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, biometric data and the processing of data concerning health or sex life). 

Will you share my personal data with others?

We may share your personal data with our suppliers that facilitate and/or provide parts of our services, e.g. print and mail services, legal representatives. We may also share your personal data with our clients if you are representing a vendor which is part of the services we provide to them and regulatory / governmental authorities.

Our employees will have access to the personal data. In such a case, access will be granted only if necessary for the purposes described and only if the employee is bound by an obligation of confidentiality.

Will my personal data be transferred to another country?

As we are part of the Intrum group, we may transfer your data to another country outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). If we do so, we will ensure there are suitable safeguards in place to comply with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Generally, your personal data will not be transferred outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). However, in cases of international debt collection, your personal data may be transferred to one of our representatives working in the relevant country. We also use third-party service providers to store or who may access your data, which may be located outside of the EEA, including, but not limited to the United States. We will never transfer your personal data outside of the EEA without ensuring the safety and protection of your personal data. Therefore, we make sure that any recipients have signed the EU Standard Model Clauses, to justify the transfer, or that the country can guarantee adequate protection under data protection law. We may disclose information outside of these groups to help prevent fraud, or if required to do so by law.

How long do you store my personal data?

We will retain your data as long as required for the lawful purpose for which it was obtained, as long as we have legitimate interest to keep it e.g. until termination of our agreement and to be able to defend ourselves against legal claims. We are also legally obliged to keep your personal data for a period of time to prevent and detect fraud, detect and evidence anti-money laundering and for financial audits.

As far as our backups are concerned, we will also delete your data in our backups, but only when the backup tape comes up for destruction, according to our backup policy. When the backup comes up for deletion as per our back up policy, we will fully delete your data.

Will I be subject to automated decision-making?

We will not use your personal data for automated decision-making and/or profiling.

What rights do I have?

It is important you understand that it is your personal data that we process and that we want you to be comfortable with us doing so.

Right to access

You may request information on how we process your personal data, including information on:

  • Why we process your personal data
  • What categories of personal data we process
  • Who we share your personal data with
  • How long we store your personal data or the criteria for determining this period
  • What rights you have
  • From where we have received your personal data (if we have not received it from you)
  • If the processing includes automatic decision making (so-called profiling)
  • If your personal data has been transferred to a country outside of the EEA, how we ensure the protection of your personal data.

All the above information is available in this Privacy Policy.

You may also request a copy of the personal data we process about you. However, additional copies will be combined with a fee.

Right to correction

It is important that we have the right information about you and we encourage you to let us know if any of your personal data is incorrect, e.g. if you or the company you represent have changed  name or moved address.

Right to be forgotten

If we process your personal data in an unlawful way, you may ask us to delete this information. Given the context of our agreement, it is however unlikely that we will delete your data.

Right to restriction

From the time you have requested we correct your personal data or if you have objected to the processing and until we have been able to investigate the issue or confirm the accuracy of your personal data (or changed it in accordance with your instructions), you are entitled to the restriction of processing. This means that we (except for storing the personal data) may process your personal data only in accordance with your consent, if necessary with reference to legal claims, to protect someone else's rights or if there is an important public interest in the processing.

You may also request that we restrict the processing of your personal data if the processing is unlawful but you do not want us to delete the personal data.

Given the context of our agreement, it is however unlikely that we will be able to comply with this right.

Right to objection

If you believe that we do not have the right to process your personal data, you may object to our processing. In such cases, we may continue processing only if we can show compelling justifying reasons that out-weigh your interests, rights and freedoms. However, we may always process your personal data if it is required for the determination, exercise or defense of legal claims. (Note that this only provides you with the right to raise your objections, not a blanket right to have any and all processing ceased). Given the context of our agreement, it is however unlikely that we will be able to comply with this right.

Withdrawal of consent

Intrum does not base its processing upon consent. However, given that some processing activities may be based on consent, you are in your right to withdraw it and we will (where our legitimate interest does not override this right) consequently stop the processing.

We will also notify others we may have shared your personal data with of your request(s).

How to complain about the use of your data or exercise my rights?

If you wish to raise a complaint about how we handle your personal data, including in relation to any of the rights outlined above, you can contact our

Data protection officer:

If you are not satisfied with our response, or believe we are processing your data unfairly or unlawfully, you can complain to the Data Inspectorate. You can find further information about the Data Inspectorate and their complaints procedure here: Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection | IMY


We - Intrum AB (publ) - use cookies on this website (, read our Cookie policy here.

Terms & conditions

The information contained within this web site, and those of all Intrum companies linked hereto is provided purely for informational purposes regarding Intrum, its subsidiaries and partners and the services that they offer. It does not constitute an offer to sell any securities and must not be relied upon in connection with any investment decision.

Information on this website is provided "as is" without warranty or term of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties or terms of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. All such implied terms and warranties are hereby excluded.

By accessing this web site you agree that Intrum will not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss arising from the use of the information and material contained in this web site, or any other hyperlinked website, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or other, even if we are expressly advised of the possibility of such damages.

Other sites that may be listed or linked in this web site are not under the control of Intrum.  Accordingly, Intrum can make no representation concerning the content of these sites to you, nor can the fact that Intrum has given you this listing serve as an endorsement by Intrum of any of these sites. Intrum is providing links to these as a convenience to you.

Permission is granted to download and print materials from this web site for the purpose of viewing, reading, and retaining for reference. Any other copying, distribution, or modification of materials on this site, whether in electronic or hard copy form, without the express prior written permission from Intrum, is strictly prohibited.

There are inherent dangers in the use of any software found on the Internet, and Intrum cautions you to make sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any software on the Internet.

The above exclusions and limitations apply only to the extent permitted by law.

Copyright © 2001-2024 Intrum AB All rights reserved. The copyright in the material contained in this web site belongs to Intrum AB, subsidiaries or its licensors.

Certain statements in the issued press releases are forward-looking statements. Statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. In addition, words such as "expects," "anticipates," "believes," "plans," "guidance" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. All such forward-looking statements are based on Intrum's reasonable expectations at the time that they are made. However, forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance as they involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions that may prove to be incorrect and that may cause Intrum's actual results and experience to differ materially from the anticipated results or other expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements.

The risks, uncertainties and assumptions that may affect Intrum's performance include: the possibility that economic or other conditions might lead to a reduction in the demand for Intrum products and services worldwide. Intrum's ability to successfully implement its plan for growth, including the ability to achieve its financial flexibility objectives on terms and conditions contemplated by Intrum; changes in the CMS industry and markets, including changes in clients preferences for services/products; competitive pressures causing price reductions and/or loss of market share; risks associated with investments and operations in foreign countries, including foreign economic conditions, exchange rate fluctuations, regulatory environment, and cultural factors; Intrum's ability to successfully integrate recent and future acquisitions, alliances and investments; Intrum's ability to protect its proprietary information and technology; the potential loss of key business assets, including data center capacity, or interruption of telecommunication links or power sources; changes in the legislative, accounting, regulatory and commercial environments affecting Intrum's ability to collect, manage, aggregate and use data; Intrum's ability to attract and retain key employees; and the competitive implications that the conversion to the euro may have on Intrum's pricing and marketing strategies.

Intrum undertakes no obligations to update any forward-looking statements to reflect future events or circumstances.

Personally identifiable information: We will not collect your personally identifiable information without your knowledge and a sufficient legal ground, nor will we sell or rent any such data. In order to provide you with a specific product, service, or information or to process a transaction, we may request your personally identifiable information. This information may for example include your name, title, shipping address, billing address, e-mail address, telephone numbers, and/or telefax numbers. Personally identifiable information is only collected when necessary to provide a product, service, or information, process a transaction, or if you submit it to us for other purposes, for instance if applying for employment. To read more about how we process your personal data, please read our privacy policy.