Sign up to the Lock-up Agreement 

Eligible noteholders can accede to the Lock-up Agreement by following these instructions

Code of Conduct

Intrum’s Code of Conduct provides the framework within which all employees and business practices involving Intrum and our subsidiaries are governed, conducted, managed and regulated.

The Code of Conduct forms a substantial part of Intrum’s corporate governance structure and is outlined through Group-wide instructions providing further guidance, procedures and information on how to manage particular situations. The Code of Conduct affirms our long-standing commitment to comply with laws and regulations, but also to conduct our business in alignment with our core mission: to help companies prosper by caring for their customers, guided by our contribution to sustainable development, and our defined values of Empathy, Ethics, Dedication and Solutions.

Our ambition is to secure the integration the Global Compact and its principles throughout our operations and our value chain. The Code of Conduct shall be signed by a wide range of those involved in our business, ranging from our employees to independent contractors, suppliers, field collectors, agencies, consultants, external board members or anyone representing Intrum. We only cooperate with clients, business partners and suppliers who operate in compliance with laws and regulations, good business practices and who maintain high ethical standards. It is mandatory for all of our employees to complete a training program on our Code of Conduct.

The Code of Conduct is approved by the Board of Directors. The Compliance function is responsible for monitoring, control and annual review of the policy, and also ensures that material breaches or incidents are immediately escalated to the CEO and the Board. 

Reporting breaches of the Code of Conduct

We encourage all of our employees to report known or suspected misconduct under our Code of Conduct and related policies. Failing to report an infringement may itself be a breach of the policy. Reports shall, to the greatest extent possible, be reported to the assigned officers, or escalated directly to the Group Compliance Officer or the Head of the Group Internal Audit. Reports can also be made anonymously through a whistle-blower mechanism – our Code of Conduct Hotline. The Hotline is a multilingual service available through the web and by telephone. Reports made through the Hotline system are forwarded to the Ethics Council. The Council evaluates and assess the information received in strict confidentiality and determines the appropriate course of action.

We apply a strict policy of non-retaliation against reports of known or suspected misconduct or violations. Regardless of whether an issue is escalated anonymously or not, the assigned officers receiving such reports treat all information in strict confidence.