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ONE Intrum: as global as possible, as local as needed

Under the ONE Intrum programme, the business is moving from operating as a multi-local company to one with united technology, strategies and ways of working.

This ambitious programme enables Intrum to take full advantage of the streamlining opportunities and advances offered by its size and geographical presence, while retaining local knowledge, culture and expertise. As Europe’s largest company in credit management and purchased debt, the potential is significant.

ASR 2021
Annual & Sustainability Report 2021

Technological transformation

A scalable, module-based IT platform for the entire credit management cycle provides full digital management with increased automation and standardised data across countries. Clients benefit from ­flexible international integration in internal systems as well as portal solutions that provide new payment methods and more channels for customers.

Using a shared technological platform and common processes, Intrum can meet the changing needs of clients, as well as optimising solutions for different industries. This ongoing transformation is underpinned by ethical collection services and advanced data analytics.

In a digitalised world, the demands on flexible processes, efficient working methods and niche expertise are high. We must be able to provide our clients with in-depth industry knowledge and relevant services as well as local knowledge and high quality, regardless of market.
Anders Engdhal, President & CEO, Intrum

What does this mean in practice?

  • A simple, scalable, digital operating model providing a better and more relevant offering adapted to the current and future needs of clients, their customers and society at large. The scalable model enables Intrum to grow in all business segments, taking advantage of significant opportunities in credit management and portfolio investment.
  • Global technological platform Increased digitisation will ensure Intrum takes full advantage of its size and expertise, moving from 55 different collections systems and thousands of sub-systems to one streamlined system across all countries. Case migration to the new global platform is accelerating quarter on quarter and, by the end of 2021, 20 per cent of the total number of cases were being managed in the new platform.
The global technological platform is the key to unlocking further efficiencies and ensuring we are even more competitive in future. Technology enables us to take up leading-edge positions in developing digital systems and services, such as digital portals that can be integrated into our client’s own systems or mobile self-service solutions for customers.”
Mohammed Salloum, Intrum’s Chief Operating Officer

The transformation aims to provide a simpler, user-friendly, digital customer journey, where people can avoid waiting in a telephone queue.

Clients and customers who want fast, digital case management will hopefully notice a difference. At the same time, clients can now enjoy a uniform interface and standard look and feel across several markets. The system also provides opportunities for effective digital communication channels, which benefits employees by making it easier to exchange best practice between countries.
Mohammed Salloum
  • New global analytics platform Data-driven analytics and increased productivity. Increased digitisation increases access to data, which can provide greater insights and a better basis for decision-making around credit risk.

In practice, this provides opportunities, for example, to adapt and optimise the customer journey to strengthen liquidity. As Intrum develops into an even more data-driven company, so artificial intelligence, data analysis and business intelligence become parts of everyday life for it and its clients.

  • Global front offices The opening and expansion of global, multilingual front offices in Athens, Bucharest and Malaga is a key part of the transformation programme.

By May 2022, these global centres were supporting 16 of Intrum’s markets and handling 17 per cent of all calls with end customers, using the new platform. With well-spread geographies, broad-ranged operations and exposure diversification between different asset classes, Intrum can provide a “one-stop shop” for clients on both the individual market and pan-European levels.  

In addition to our physical front offices, we can also connect virtually with local agents and use the latest technology to share and establish best practice throughout the organisation. I am excited about the increased client value and potential that data, analytics and automation technology can further unlock when implemented across global processes and systems.
Intrum's President & CEO, Anders Engdahl

The ONE Intrum programme is designed to achieve long-term sustainable growth while optimising process and practices across all business segments for clients. At the heart of change lies technological development, however, progress is powered by the people at Intrum. Their skills, knowledge and adaptability ensure Intrum continues to lead the market for the benefit of clients, customers and society at large.

Get more insights

The insights from this article are based on the Annual and Sustainability Report 2021. You can download the full report below.