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Economy in Focus #9 - Household savings and investments in a new age

Published April 2024, the ninth edition of Economy in Focus looks into the changing landscape of household savings and investments in Europe.

What you'll discover:

  1. Valuable insights into the changing landscape of household savings and investments in Europe.
  2. Understand the impact of the global pandemic, regional disparities, and generational differences on savings patterns.
  3. Discover the investment behavior of younger generations and the factors influencing their risk appetite.
After four years of economic turbulence, European consumers are tightening their belts. While household savings have dipped from peak pandemic levels, they're still higher than pre-pandemic times. High-income households are sitting on the bulk of these savings, leaving lower-income earners struggling with the rising cost of living. The changing demographics in Europe, characterized by an aging population and a shrinking workforce, further compound the complexities of the savings landscape.
Anna Zabrodzka-Averianov, Senior Economist at Intrum
Anna Zabrodzka-Averianov, Senior Economist at Intrum
Anna Zabrodzka-Averianov, Senior Economist at Intrum

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