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Economy in Focus #4 – Employment remains strong in Europe

We have analysed the current state of employment across Europe in the latest issue of our bi-monthly dive into the macroeconomic environment. Access the latest key insights in our latest issue of Economy in Focus, with commentary from Intrum's Senior Economist.

Despite the inflation crisis, the employment rate in the EU remains at a record high, showing the resilience of the European labour market. However, real wages have been affected as inflation outpaces wage growth, leading many Europeans to have less disposable income. Nevertheless, consumer confidence is rebounding, giving hope that the end of economic turbulence is in sight, despite lingering uncertainty, particularly in light of recent banking turmoil.  

Watch this short video where our Senior Economist gives a short summary of the latest report


Every other month, Anna Zabrodzka-Averianov, Senior Economist at Intrum, delivers a comprehensive analysis of ongoing macroeconomic trends, placing them in context and giving you the insights you need to understand the impact on your company and your customers.

Uncertainty remains high, particularly in the face of the recent banking turmoil, but the outlook has nevertheless improved considerably over the last quarter.
Anna Zabrodzka-Averianov, Senior Economist at Intrum

In this issue:

  • Employment rates continue to increase across Europe
  • Real wages have fallen behind
  • Recent turmoil has pushed aside long-term issues


Employment remains strong in Europe - Economy in Focus
Economy in Focus – Employment remains strong in Europe, published April 2023

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