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European Consumer Payment Report 2020

European Consumer Payment Report 2020

The European Consumer Payment Report (ECPR) 2020 outline the financial impact of Covid-19 on private households in 24 European countries. This year's results shows that the pandemic has had a serious impact on consumer finances.

Our survey shows how the impact of Covid-19 has been disproportionate – affecting certain consumer groups who already have less secure finances, such as those with lower incomes, unreliable employment or challenging family responsibilities.

On the other hand; consumers who have not had their financial situation directly affected by the pandemic are better placed to make prudent financial decisions, such as saving more or changing payment spending and behaviour.

Key findings from the report:

  1. Financial wellbeing continue to decline as a result of the Covid-19 impact on disposable income
  2. To stay afloat, some Europeans borrow more and save less
  3. On a more positive note; the economic uncertainty is inspiring consumers to take action of improving their financial literacy


Download the ECPR 2020: