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Webinar: Jump in bill-anxiety – how will European consumers buy and pay in the inflation storm?

Our ECPR 2022 webinar provides a unique overview of how European consumers are reacting to the inflation storm.

Intrum's annual European Consumer Payment Report 2022, Surveying 24,000 consumers in 24 European countries, shows that inflation hikes and declining Purchasing power has set off a wave of 'bill-anxiety' among European households, as they struggle to balance their income and expenditure.  
This webinar provides a unique overview of how European consumers:

  • are impacted by the current macroeconomic situation  
  • aim to prioritize their household finances 
  • view their economic outlook 

Our speakers also discuss and analyze what the findings of the European Consumer Payment Report can mean for companies, and how companies can mitigate risks in the new economic landscape.  

Speakers and Agenda

Keynote speaker – ECPR key findings presentation and macroeconomic analysis

  • Anna Zabrodzka-Averianov, Senior Economist, Intrum

Panel discussion

  • Jan Hansson, Vice President, Debt Collection, Klarna AB
  • Beatrice Widmark, Behavioural Science Advisor, Whateverland
  • Anna Zabrodzka-Averianov, Senior Economist, Intrum
  • Eddie Nott, Managing Director, Intrum UK


  • Anna Fall, Chief Brand & Communications Officer, Intrum