Intrum in numbers
employees across 20 countries in Europe.
small, medium, and large clients in a variety of sectors.
interactions with people in debt every day.
years of experience in leading the way to a sound economy.

Intrum presented Q4 2024 results
Intrum announced its interim results for October-December 2024 on 30 January (2025). Andrés Rubio, President & CEO and Johan Åkerblom, CFO, presented the results in a webcast.

Intrum/Nordea webinar – update on recapitalisation process
In this credit presentation webinar hosted by Nordea Credit Research, Andrés Rubio, President & CEO provided an update on the ongoing recapitalisation process. Rickard Hellman, Head of Nordea Credit Research, moderated the discussion.
Intrum CEO Andrés Rubio on DiTV
Intrum’s President & CEO, Andrés Rubio, was interviewed on DiTV to provide context and further explain the redirection of Intrum and the current recapitalisation transaction through a prepackaged Chapter 11—all while ensuring business as usual for clients, customers, and employees.
Watch the full interview here >

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