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Debt Collection Services

With insight into payment behavior and professional approach we can help you speed up late payments and collect unpaid invoices, without harming your customer relationships.

We focus on collecting your debt, so you can focus on growth

We believe that whether you’re a big company working with telecoms, financial services or utilities or a small one-man company you should be concentrating on what you do best, not on getting paid. By managing late payments strictly, diligently and fairly, Intrum helps you get paid faster and bring down outstanding credit. That leaves you to focus on what you do best – growing your business.

Debt collection

A successful business depends on predictable cash flow and good customer relationships. When your customers fail to pay on time, Intrum can collect the debt, while minimising the impact on the customer relationship.

With a history leading back to 1898, Intrum is the undisputed market leading credit management company, with an unrivalled track record in managing and monitoring the payment processes of each individual customer.

Our tailor-made online tool IntrumWeb gives us complete visibility of what your organisation is owed and the payment status, while our scoring techniques ensure we look after companies and individuals efficiently and effectively. You also have the security of knowing that Intrum can assist you if a legal debt collection is required.

  • Best-in-class tracking processes and payment management tools

  • Global reach through Intrum's operations in 24 countries and a partner network spanning 160 countries

  • Protecting your customer relationships and respecting their integrity

Worldwide debt collection

When your business has customers around the world, making sure you get paid and paid on time can be a difficult and complex task. Intrum provides global reach where you require it, when conducting business abroad.

With 24 offices and a global partner network, Intrum is providing debt collection across 180 countries. This gives us access to local market knowledge, with a local presence that can ensure you are paid on time. We know how to deal with your customers, regardless of language or time zone, and we take local business practices and cultures into account. We use up-to-date local market data to offer services like payment monitoring, reminder services and collection services.

  • Extensive international network covering 180 markets

  • Strong and respected brand name speeds up payments

  • Local presence and up-to-date data specific to each market

 A smooth payment process drives sales

Making sure you get paid in a timely manner can prove difficult once you leave your own country. By using Intrum’s global reach in debt collection you can save time, money and effort, entering new markets with less risk to your business.

Debt surveillance

Delayed or withheld payments put pressure on your business and create unnecessary costs. By handing the process of monitoring and collecting the debt over to Intrum, you can ease this burden and put your mind at rest.

Instead of writing-off a debt as uncollectible, Intrum can take over the whole process of monitoring the debt for you. We stay in touch with the customer and we collect the final payment on your behalf. Intrum has unparalleled experience and expertise in debt management. Our monitoring system allows us to take the right action at any time to ensure a final payment is made, without damaging your customer relationships.

  • Intrum’s expertise and experience in credit collection ensures faster payment

  • We save you time and money on administration

  • Our strong and respected reputation means Intrum can help speed up payments to you

Debt purchase

Even when you have given up and written off a receivable it may still hold value and cash flow can be realised. Intrum can take over the debt for you, which immediately improves your cash flow and also helps your customer.

The cost of seeking repayment from a non-paying customer is often more than what is owed. Intrum is willing to take over the debt from you at a percentage of its nominal value, with the percentage depending on the quality of the debt. We pay you immediately and then independently seek payment, using our expertise and our economies of scale.

The indebted party typically also stands to gain, as Intrum can offer individual plans that are calibrated to each consumer’s ability to pay. Intrum buys written-off debt from every type and size of company, including credit institutions, private and public enterprises, and government bodies.

  • Selling non-performing debt quickly improves cash flow

  • The indebted party also benefits through new payment options

  • You reduce losses from non-performing debt


The undisputed market leader

We are present in 20 countries