Sign up to the Lock-up Agreement 

Eligible noteholders can accede to the Lock-up Agreement by following these instructions

Debt investors

Intrum AB’s (publ) Group Treasury aims to secure a diversified funding base to assure access to funds and support the Group’s business opportunity.

Financing policy

Intrum AB’s (publ) Group Treasury aims to secure a diversified funding base to assure access to funds and support the Group’s business opportunity. Financing is to the extent possible made in local currency to minimize currency effects in the P/L, and in combination with currency borrowings, financial derivatives is used to match Intrum AB’s assets. The Treasury activities are centralized to manage the cash, exploit economies of scale and optimize the Group’s financial net as efficiently as possible. All financial transactions are carried out within risk mandates and limits established by the board.

Further to the funding sources mentioned below Intrum AB has a syndicated Revolving Credit Facility (RCF) of EUR 1.8bn. The RCF will be used for general corporate purposes including portfolio purchases and smaller M&A transactions. 

Intrum AB regularly seeks access to a diverse funding sources and hence, from time to time, utilizes bilateral funding opportunities. For the latest update on Intrum's funding base, please refer to the interim investor presentation downloadable here.

Debt related press releases

Credit rating

A Credit Rating is an assessment of a company’s ability to fulfill its financial obligations. To maintain a robust financial platform for growing and supporting Intrum AB’s (publ) business, an external rating is a necessity in the international financial markets to attract funds at attractive levels. Intrum AB (publ) is in regular contact with the credit analysts of the agencies to give an accurate picture of Intrum AB’s (publ) credit and business outlook.

Agency Corporate Rating Outlook Publishing date Link to rating report
S&P CC/ Negative/ C  Negative 12.07.2024 Download
Moody's Caa2 Developing 23.07.2024 Download
Fitch CC   17.07.2024 Download


Our approach to Sustainability

Strong performance in leading ESG ratings

Maturity profile


Maturity ISIN Coupon Listing
2024 XS1634532748 3,125% Irish Stock Exchange
2025 XS2211136168 4,875% Luxembourg Stock Exchange
2026 XS2034925375 3,500% Luxembourg Stock Exchange
2027 XS2052216202 3,000% Luxembourg Stock Exchange
2028 XS2566291865 9.250% Luxembourg Stock Exchange


Swedish MTN Program

Since February 2012 Intrum AB (publ) has issued bonds on the Swedish market under a MTN (Medium Term Note) Program, which has a maximum total allowance of SEK 10 billion. The bonds are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm


Notice to noteholders’ meeting under the Swedish MTN Program


Kallelse till fordringshavarmöten under MTN programmet

Intrum Updated MTN Prospectus


Final Loan Agreement


Commercial Paper

Intrum AB (publ) has the possibility to raise 4 BSEK in short term funding under its commercial paper program as a way to diversifying the base of our capital structure, lower the funding cost and for liquidity management.

Contact person

Investor Relations contact

Emil Folkesson

Investor Relations Director