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Download the European Consumer Payment Report 2019

Download the European Consumer Payment Report 2019

The European Consumer Payment Report (ECPR) is an annual report which describes European consumers ability to manage household finances. The report is based on an external survey of 24,000 consumers in 24 European countries.

In this year's edition of the report, we see that European consumers must learn to navigate in an increasingly uncertain world. 

Improving financial literacy across Europe will be key to helping consumers to navigate the financial complexity and related stress that they feel they are facing. We hope that the insights of this report will further benefit much needed discussions and prompt the actions needed in order to reduce financial stress and develop financial literacy
Mikael Ericson, CEO & President Intrum
Mikael Ericson, CEO & President Intrum

Key findings from the report

Financial stress among European consumers is rising

  • Almost half (45%) of European consumers we surveyed say their bills are rising at a faster rate than their income.
  • The majority (75%) of European consumers are still managing to save part of their salary every month, though over half (52%) is dissatisfied with the amount.
  • 1 in 4 (24%) are borrowing to pay bills, an increase from 1 in 5 (20%) in 2018.
  • 43% saying these concerns are negatively affecting their general wellbeing.

European consumer are over-estimating their financial literacy

  • 69% of European consumers believe their financial education has been sufficient.
  • Yet, on average 37% failed to match basic financial terms* to their correct definitions.  (*Financial terms: budget, credit score, Annual Percentage Rate (APR), Variable Interest Rate and inflation)
  • Consumers within the 18-21 age bracket were less able to match the definition for all terms; 50% failed.

New for this years' report is that we have introduced the Intrum Financial Wellbeing Barometer

  • A new element in the European Consumer Payment Report 2019 is the launch of the Financial Wellbeing Barometer. The Barometer provides additional means to track and compare consumers financial security to meet everyday spending needs and control of their finances across 24 European markets.
  • The Barometer presents an overall financial wellbeing score for each country – an aggregate score combining scores across all four pillars. Germany, Austria and Sweden rank on top. Greece, Lithuania and Poland at bottom. 





European Consumer Payment Report 2018

Savings have gone up – but so has indebtedness. A growing number of people are struggling: every fifth European needs to borrow in order to pay bills. Read the full report here.

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